Sunday, April 15, 2018

Week of April 9th

The Monkeys worked on some fun learning activities this past week.  In math, each partner had 2 sticks of ten cubes each.  Each student started with 12 cubes.  They rolled a cube that either landed on "one more" or "one less."  They would then either take one cube away or add another cube.  They would have to say, "One more/less than ______ is ____."  They took turns until one of the partners made it to 20.

The Monkeys also learned about compound words in language arts this past week.  They enjoyed putting together compound word puzzles in groups.

Our class has been learning about how technology has changed our lives from long ago to today.  We discussed how today we can just go to the grocery store to buy items, but long ago, they had to make many things.  So, the students made butter.  We shook cold, heavy cream with a little bit of salt in a mason jar.  The Monkeys were very excited to see it turn to butter!  They tasted the butter on a cracker and most of the students loved it!

Giselle was our superstar student this past week, but was unfortunately absent much of the week.  Next week, our superstar student will be Matthew!  We hope to learn about his life and interests.

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