Sunday, October 15, 2017

Week of October 9th

Thank you so much to all of you for coming to the parent/teacher fall conferences!  I hope you have a better understanding of your child's goals this school year.  We have been working hard each day and will continue to do so throughout the year.

The Monkeys had a great time meeting their 3rd grade reading buddy/buddies on Friday afternoon.  We will meet with them each Friday afternoon and the students will read together.  The first half of the school year some students go upstairs with their 3rd grade reading buddy, while other students stay downstairs in our room with their buddy.  They will switch the second half of the year.  That way, every student gets a turn to go upstairs to the 3rd grade rooms.

During language arts this upcoming week, we will be focusing on text to text connections and text to world connections in reading.  In writing, we will begin our phonics program and we just got our Handwriting Without Tears books!  We will begin more structured instruction on handwriting that will hopefully help students with their formation of letters.  In social studies, we are learning how culture shapes our community.  We will learn about how each of our families has a culture and how that helps to make us unique!

During math, we will begin our unit of study about geometry.  We will start with 2 dimensional shapes.  In science, we are going to continue to learn about forms of energy.

The Monkeys were happy to learn all about our last superstar, Summer!  We got to hear all about her life and interests!

We are excited to learn about our next superstar student, Tyler!

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