Sunday, September 25, 2016

It's been a great start to the 2016-2017 school year!

It has been so much fun starting a new school year with a new group of Monkeys!  We spent the first couple of weeks learning about each other and building community in our classroom.  We all discussed how we would like to treat each other and made our class social contract.  It was great working on that together so everyone feels some ownership of our class rules.  The kids are doing such a great job of learning about and following all of our school rules and procedures.  I am very proud of them!

The students had a wonderful time at our Storybook Parade at the beginning of the school year!  They were so happy to see everyone supporting them from their parents to staff members and other grade levels of students.
We have learned a lot in our first month of school and have had a lot of fun!  We worked on a lot of letter recognition activities.  We discussed the difference between uppercase and lowercase letters and looked at various attributes of letters.

The students had a ton of fun playing the card game, "I Have, Who Has?"  We had to recognize letters to complete the game.  It will be fun to change up this game in the future and make the letter sounds instead of just recognizing them.

The kids love all hands-on activities and we have really worked on a lot of exciting and engaging learning in science.  We learned about properties of objects such as color, shape, size, texture, smell and weight.  Below are some pictures of the students using a balance to compare the weight of objects to identify what was heavier or lighter.

During social studies, we have learned about citizenship, rules and authority figures in the home, school and community.  It has been a blast learning about helpers in our community that keep us safe!  The Monkeys got to listen to Officer Weidright talk about his job as a police officer and what he does to help us and keep us all safe.  The kids got to learn about the tools police officers use and they LOVED getting to sit in his police car!

A very fun part of Kindergarten for all of the students is the week that they get to be the "Superstar" of the week.  They are all excited to find out who our next superstar might be each Friday afternoon.  Our first superstar was Aniya!  We had a fantastic time learning all about Aniya and her life and interests!

The class is eager to learn all about our next superstar, Addie.  We will get to learn about her life and interests starting on Monday!

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